Wednesday . 19 June 2019 . 2:00 pm :: Children’s Concert

19 June 2019
2:00 pm
Children’s Concert

Performers from Halcyon Music Festival will present a children’s concert consisting of movements from two string quartets. The first, Beethoven’s Op. 18, No. 4, is one of the first quartets the composer ever wrote. The listeners will be transported to the year 1800, when the work was completed. They will then be able to compare it to Janáček’s second quartet, written over a century later and using more contemporary timbral techniques. The visiting musicians, from institutions like New England Conservatory and New York Philharmonic, will also explain the history of the quartet genre and answer questions. The free educational opportunity is a preview of Halcyon Music Festival’s sixth season, starting June 20th at St. John’s Episcopal Church, in Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

Portsmouth Public Library
175 Parrott Avenue
Portsmouth . New Hampshire